Legacy Giving

If you have included Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in your estate plan, please let us know as we are always grateful for such generosity. We would like to thank you appropriately for your commitment by making you a charter member of the Francis J. O'Brien Society. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding Estate Planning, please contact Marcy Stengel in the Institutional Advancement Office at marcy.stengel@866kq.com. Please know you may choose to remain anonymous and ACPHS will abide by your wishes for privacy.

Francis J. O’Brien Society

The Francis J. O’Brien Society honors individuals who have made a charitable planned gift (such as bequests, appreciated securities, gifts of retirement accounts, or life insurance) or have made it known their intentions to include Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in their wills or estate plans. Membership in this society expresses your belief in ACPHS and demonstrates your commitment to improving the future through higher education. Your generosity not only works as a catalyst for positive change, but also inspires others to get involved and make a difference.

This giving society is named in honor of Francis J. O’Brien, an alumnus of the Class of 1920 and former Professor and Dean at the College. Dean O’Brien is often credited with transforming the College and Pharmacy as a profession during his tenure. Dean O’Brien left a lasting impression on his students and the College as a whole.